Quarantine Halloween:
If you’re not sure about trick-or-treating this year, or not really sure what to do about Halloween this year, Jolly Wild have come up with some alternatives to help!
Instead of trick-or-treating round the houses, create your own trick-or-treat hunt around your home or garden! (if weather is accepting) This can be done by hiding sweets (wrapping them up is optional so the kids don’t know what they’ve got) or tricks (vegetables, nuts fruit, wrapping them up is optional but this way the kids won’t know whether they’ve picked up a trick/treat until the end when they open what they’ve found) hide the mix of trick/treats around your house. This is such a fun alternative for the kids, and the whole family can be involved.
Some alternative trick/treats to sweets: Paper with jokes written on, small items from the party bag section in shops, stretchy men, bouncy balls, rubbers, sharpeners, money, stones, fruit, nuts, raisins.
Decorating the house is great entertainment for kids and adults. Buying a few Halloween decorations can really bring a lot of joy for this event – if you’re not keen on buying decorations you can always make them! A great app to download to look at some great Halloween decorations that are feasible for you, is Pinterest.
Another way to get into the Halloween spirit is to bake Halloween inspired cookies and cakes, there are load of recipes on the internet and Pinterest to help with your design ideas. Or simply get creative with Halloween shaped cookie cutters, icing colours and fun decorations (marshmallows, jelly worms, strawberry laces, flying saucers, chocolate matchsticks, chocolate buttons, Halloween shaped sweets), let the kids have fun decorating the Halloween cakes/cookies/biscuits.
If you don’t fancy pumpkin carving, print the outline of a pumpkin off the internet, and get your kids to draw and colour in their own pumpkin face, do this as many times as you like, and stick them up in your windows!
Alternatively, if you love Halloween and you want to impress your kids, then they love going to pumpkin patch to pick their very own pumpkin! It is a great day out for all the family!